
Saturday 25 May 2013

Jenna-Louise Coleman


'Clara / Oswin' in Doctor Who
'Rosie' in Dancing on the Edge
'Connie' in Captain America: The First Avenger

(autograph photo to follow)
So little and so cute! Although a sign saying no personalisation was up on the wall, when we reached her she looked at us and said hello and then said 'and who is this for?' and wrote his name and signed it. Isaac asked about her t-shirt and she showed us what it said (Love Me Tender, Love Me Tender, Lula Lula Lula Lula) and she said it was from an Elvis Presley song and she loves Elvis - I said that Isaac just had got his first ever Elvis cd. She was very nice and very smily - and what a lovely smile :)

Craig Charles


'Dave Lister' in Red Dwarf
'Lloyd Mullaney' in Coronation Street

Eric Millegan


'Zack Addy' in Bones

Malcolm McDowell


'Alex' in A Clockwork Orange
'Daniel Lindeman' in Heroes
'President John Henry Eden' in Fallout 3
'Bret Stiles' in The Mentalist
'Terrance McQuewick' in Entourage
'Dr Samuel Loomis' in Halloween
'Lombardi' in The Book of Eli

Henry Ian Cusick


'Desmond Hume' in Lost
'Tommy Volker' in The Mentalist
'Simon Foster' in Fringe
'Theo Stoller' in 24
'Stephen Finch' in Scandal
'Marcus Kane' in The 100

Wednesday 22 May 2013

John Rhys-Davies

'Gimli' in Lord of the Rings
'Sallah' in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
'General Leonid Pushkin' in The Living Daylights
'Professor Maximillian Arturo' in Sliders
'Evantine Elessedil' in The Shannara Chronicles
'Grand Pabbie' in Once Upon A Time

Torri Higginson

'Dr Elizabeth Weir' in Stargate Sg-1 & Stargate Atlantis
'Commander Truffault' in Dark Matter

Alfie Allen

'Theon Greyjoy' in Game of Thrones
'Iosef Tarasov' in John Wick
'Wheeler' in Pandemic

Bonnie Langford

'Mel' in Doctor Who

'Melanie Bush' in Doctor Who
'Carmel Kazemi' in Eastenders
'Violet Elizabeth Bott' in Just William
'Lena Marelli' in Bugsy Malone